Learn More About The AYG CEO and Founder

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Meet Courtney

Hello my name is Courtney and I am the owner and creator of the Allow Yourself Grace Brand. After receiving my MA in Counseling and becoming a Nationally Certified Life Coach, I developed a deep love for helping others. My goal was to beat the odds of every little black girl in my community. 

So me being DETERMINED! That's exactly what I did. It wasn't until the real world hit me in the face like a sack of rocks that I realized that some things are definitely easier said than done.

When I lost my Mom at the age of 23, and experienced a ton of other traumatic things I realized how much I needed a safe space to get started on my healing journey. 

After, attending counseling, joining a supportive community of like minded individuals, and working through my trauma I felt absolutely amazing. The experience of true freedom is what I needed. Now my goal is to help others like myself unpack trauma, heal, and live a life of FREEDOM!




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Join My Grace

Girls Community 


#1- Weekly Zoom Calls

30 to 45 minute Zoom Calls with like-minded women. A safe space created for women to share goals, dreams, struggles, and so much more.

#2- Networking Opportunities

Get invited to monthly virtual and in-person networking events hosted by Coach Courtney and Influential Exclusive Guests. 

#3- Daily Affirmations and Goal Check ins.

In search of an accountability partner? Well this is the community for you. In the Grace Girls Community you will be surrounded by a sisterhood of women who will hold you accountable.

Join Now

Never Forget Your Why! 


Love on the people who love you! Don't ever forget why you started. There is a group of people who need you! You have to keep going! Never give up even when it's hard get up and do the work. Your life is worth the investment. Knowledge and empowerment is never too expensive when it comes to you being healthy and whole!

The Result? 

A custom plan for amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus.  ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus.

With the confidence and tools to amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus.  ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus.

Things you should know about Courtney:


Moves with Intention

I only do things that are intentional and meaningful.


Believes in Grace

Grace gives us the ability to operate at our highest potential and I believe we all deserve it!


Purpose Driven

Everything you do should align strategically with your purpose. Everyday you wake up is a chance to live a purpose driven life.

Join My Journey!
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